March 21th International Holidays – List of National Events on 21 March

March 21th International Holidays - List of National Events on 21 March
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Absolutely Incredible Kid Day

Afghanistan Day

Big Bang Day

Companies That Care Day

Credit Card Reduction Day

Education Freedom Day

Egypt Mother’s Day

Harmony Day

Human Rights Day South Africa

International Colour Day

International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination

International Day of Forests

International Day of Nowruz

International Race Relations Day

Memory Day

Namibia Independence Day

National Aries Day

National Beverly Day

National California Strawberry Day

National Close the Gap Day

National Common Courtesy Day

National Countdown Day

National Crunchy Taco Day

National Day Of Action On Syringe Exchange

National Farm Rescuer Day

National Flower Day

National Fragrance Day

National French Bread Day

National Healthy Fats Day

National Peter Day

National Renewable Energy Day

National Single Parent Day

National Teenager Day

Nowruz Bayram

Oranges And Lemons Day

Race Relations Day

Rosie The Riveter Day

Slytherin Pride Day

Spring Fairy Fun Day

The Big Walk and Wheel

Twitter Day

Vermouth Day

WE Day

World Down Syndrome Day

World Forestry Day

World Poetry Day

World Puppetry Day

International Week of Solidarity with People’s Struggling Against Racism & Discrimination

Shakespeare Week

UNESCO-ITI World Theater Week

Week of Solidarity with the Peoples Struggling against Racism and Racial Discrimination

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